Asmund Holtan

Asmund Holtan

Recent posts by Asmund Holtan

4 min read

How to market your business on YouTube

By Asmund Holtan on 24.apr.2020 14:55:58

Forget cat videos, Youtube is in fact the second largest search engine after google. Youtube is not just for entertainment purposes, it is also a place people go to do research,  find knowledge and educate themselves. Chances are that your potential customers are on youtube right now, as you read this, looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. So why not help them by creating video content?

Topics: how-to inbound marketing technology growth marketing content strategy Brand Building guide
11 min read

10 tips to produce TWICE AS MUCH content in less time

By Asmund Holtan on 15.jan.2020 15:31:00

10 min read

10 tips for å produsere DOBBELT SÅ MYE innhold på KORTERE tid

By Asmund Holtan on 10.jan.2020 15:03:00

Okey, så du vet nok allerede, med mindre du er født under en stein, at det gjelder å produsere innhold. MYE innhold. Innholdet er bensinen i din “marketing-maskin”, selve forutsetningen for at du skal kunne nå ut til nye kunder og fortelle din historie. Men innhold trengs også for å konvertere potensielle kunder og å engasjere ditt eksisterende publikum. Og som du sikkert skjønner, så er det umulig å få gode resultater uten nok innhold. 

Topics: how-to inbound content strategy