13 min read

En snarvei til bedre digital markedsføring: 8 konkrete tips som vi vet virker

By Sigurd J. Vik on 07.des.2022 10:41:00

Du vet når du har hatt et godt møte, hvor bra det føles å bli bedt om å sende over det du nettopp har presentert. Ikke bare gikk møtet bra, men kunden vil faktisk bruke sin egen tid på å fordype seg i det du har kunnskap om! Men møter tar tid, og ikke er det lett å huske å følge opp. 

Topics: how-to sales content strategy guide marketing digital marketing
2 min read

Ingen tror du har “verdens beste løsning”

By Coupler on 22.sep.2022 09:44:26

B2B-selskap bør være mer folkelige, mener Tobias Arns, CMO hos Kindly. Han har storpeiling på vekst, og vet hvordan bedrifter bør oppføre seg – eller ikke oppføre seg – på sosiale medier. 


Topics: how-to guide knowledge base digital marketing inbound marketing
2 min read

Unngå bedrifts-babbel på SoMe

By Coupler on 22.sep.2022 09:42:31

En av Norges beste tekstforfattere, Camilla Hager, vil at firmaer skal unngå bedrifts-babblet på sosiale medier. Og senke skuldrene litt. Så lenge du har en plan!


Topics: how-to guide knowledge base digital marketing inbound marketing
11 min read

SEO - Hvordan havne øverst

By Paulina Ćwikowska on 16.mar.2022 13:57:46

Den som leter skal finne. hvordan kan OGSÅ du bruke Google-mekanismene for å sikre at det er ditt svar som blir funnet?

Topics: how-to knowledge base webinar marketing
5 min read

Inbound marketing - kort oppsummert

By Dina Aarthun Engh on 02.jul.2021 14:42:24

Trenger du en rask innføring i hva det vil si å drive med inbound marketing? To eksperter, Sigurd J. Vik i Coupler og Maria Willoch i ScaleupXQ har jobbet med inbound i lang tid og deler her sin kunnskap gjennom ulike formater så du kan få en bedre forståelse for hva det er. 

Topics: how-to content strategy inbound marketing
11 min read

How to use Hubspot CRM for fundraising [TUTORIAL]

By Coupler on 06.mai.2020 10:44:30

How NorQuant went beyond their crowdfunding target in just 7 days.

What is this tutorial about?

In this article we will show how you can use HubSpot, both for CRM, lead forms and email automation, in a fundraising campaign. While the purpose was fundraising, all of the techniques can be used for sales between real humans - with some automation making it much easier to handle. 

Here's what we'll cover:

  1. Set up of a lead generation form on a landing page. Add your own custom contact property to let leads register how much they intend to invest.
    • The essential part here is that we want the contact info plus an investment hint, and in return the user gets the investor presentation as a handy PDF in their inbox.
  2. Set up a dynamic list and sort leads by the most promising ones using custom properties.
    • This way the CEO and COO of NorQuant has an easy to view list of who their investor leads are, how much they want to invest and they can see how the list is growing as they keep inviting new leads to the landing page.
  3. Automatically add these leads to a sales pipeline in the CRM so that the right person can follow up the leads personally.
    • This is the crucial link between the marketing campaign, generating digital leads, and the work that  management does to ensure they actually follow up on the leads through to signing the deals.
  4. Send personal follow up emails automatically to keep the leads warm in the immediate days following their registration.
    • With a large list of leads it is nearly impossible to write personal follow up emails in time. The set-up of automatic follow up emails were timed to keep the leads warm in the crucial time just after they've registered:
      • Email #1 (Immediately after signup): An email from CEO Thomas with the PDF investor presentation.
      • Email #2 (1 day delay from signup): A follow up email from Thomas introducing the COO who will be the one in dialogue with important leads.
      • Email #3 (2 hour delay after previous): An email with the COO introducing himself and inviting the user to talk to him, preparing them that he might be in contact again (via regular email later).


About NorQuant

NorQuant has developed software that automates processes related to factor-based management and portfolio composition. The company also develops software for quantitative analysis and robo-advisory.

NorQuant assists family offices and other investment firms in achieving their investment goals. Based on requirements and desires, we helped develop, implement and execute a professional, research-based and transparent strategy.

Topics: how-to case study CRM knowledge base
4 min read

How to market your business on YouTube

By Asmund Holtan on 24.apr.2020 14:55:58

Forget cat videos, Youtube is in fact the second largest search engine after google. Youtube is not just for entertainment purposes, it is also a place people go to do research,  find knowledge and educate themselves. Chances are that your potential customers are on youtube right now, as you read this, looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. So why not help them by creating video content?

Topics: how-to inbound marketing technology growth marketing content strategy Brand Building guide
8 min read

How to run a webinar [Free Template]

By André Fredrik Wesenberg on 19.mar.2020 14:45:26

The use of seminars for creating awareness, positioning and generating newbiz is a frequently used tactic for marketers these days. With the digital transformation we are introduced to the less expensive and more flexible world of webinars. There are few situations where your prospects are likely to spend more time watching and interacting with you than a webinar.

Topics: how-to webinar
10 min read

10 tips for å produsere DOBBELT SÅ MYE innhold på KORTERE tid

By Asmund Holtan on 10.jan.2020 15:03:00

Okey, så du vet nok allerede, med mindre du er født under en stein, at det gjelder å produsere innhold. MYE innhold. Innholdet er bensinen i din “marketing-maskin”, selve forutsetningen for at du skal kunne nå ut til nye kunder og fortelle din historie. Men innhold trengs også for å konvertere potensielle kunder og å engasjere ditt eksisterende publikum. Og som du sikkert skjønner, så er det umulig å få gode resultater uten nok innhold. 

Topics: how-to inbound content strategy
2 min read

Stort selskap gjør som små startups

By André Giæver on 20.nov.2017 22:52:33

“Lean Startup er rett og slett en metode vi bruker for å sikre at vi innoverer på de riktige tingene”, sier DNBs innovasjonssjef Halvor Lande fra scenen på Mesh, under Couplers konferanse om Innovation Marketing. Metoden er den samme som små selskaper med få ressurser bruker til å utvikle sine produkter.

Topics: how-to startup